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09.23 - 11.01

《輝煌 ‧ 印記》
作品以新中國成立70年輝煌成就作為創作主題,選取20件具有深刻印記且鼓舞人心的歷史事件,以微縮紙雕的新銳藝術創作手法,見証歷史更迭,共譜璀璨印記,演繹發展與藝術融合的共進之光 ,以藝術作品,獻禮祖國。
Glorious Mark
Deriving from the splendid achievements since the founding of the PRC 70 years ago, this work selects 20 historical events that are impressive and inspiring and uses the miniature paper sculpture, a cutting-edge artistic creation technique, to demonstrate the change of history, represent the extraordinary impressions, and show the brilliance of the integration of development and art. it is an artistic work that is used to pay tribute to our motherland.

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